Dear Fellow Seeker,

If you’re anything like me, you’ve lived a pretty good life. You’ve had a lot of valuable experiences … both good & bad. You’ve done your best to be a good person while accomplishing many of the things you set out to do. You’ve been grateful for the opportunities you’ve been given and have had some fun along the way.

But still, there is something missing.

You’re longing for something more, but you don’t know exactly what it is. You want to make a difference. You want your life to have meaning. You want to matter. You want to make a meaningful contribution. You want to live a life with no regrets. You want the world to be a better place because you were here.

You want to discover your life purpose … but you’re not sure where to begin.

Your life is already pretty full, and while you have a little spare time, you might not be in a position to take on a big commitment. Yet, you do want to start to do something.

If you’re still breathing, you have a contribution to make.

You may have recently experienced a life-altering event, lost a loved one, or gone through a significant transition or change. Or maybe you’re just plain getting older, and you’re looking back on a long list of accomplishments, yet don’t feel a deep sense of purpose in your life.

And you don’t quite know how to fulfill your desire for purpose with the time you have available or how to really narrow down what would give you that deeper sense of meaning & significance that you want to experience.

You’re longing to …

  • live a life with no regrets
  • feel like what you do really matters
  • know that you make a difference in the lives of others
  • experience a deep sense of connection with your life purpose
  • feel proud of yourself & the contributions you make in the world
  • fulfill some of your long-held (& perhaps secret) dreams

If this sounds like you, I want to tell you something …

Discovering & Fulfilling Your Life Purpose is Simple & It Doesn’t Have to Take a Lot of Time

For those of us who have spent years or decades searching for the answers to questions like “Why am I here?” and “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” claiming that it is simple & doesn’t have to take a lot of time can sound crazy. If it was so easy, wouldn’t we have done it by now? Why have we continued to read book after book & article after article, yet after each one we’re still left trying to “figure it out”?

Well, that’s just it. The answer is not in our analytical mind that figures things out. The answer lives in our heart, and in order to find it, we need to reconnect with our authentic self who knows who we are, knows what’s important to us & knows why we’re here.

A big part of my life’s work is helping heart-centered people discover their unique life purpose, so they can go out into the world & make their greatest potential contribution giving them personal fulfillment while improving the lives of others. This is how I make my greatest impact … by multiplying the effect of my Calling through others.

We don’t have to sacrifice our own personal fulfillment and all of our leisure time to begin living our life in more alignment with our Purpose. In fact, we can bring all of who we are to our Purpose to create a more holistic lifestyle that fuels us while helping others.

There are many books about discovering your life purpose out there, but the problem is most of them provide the same kinds of generic questions & shallow coverage of the same old material.

And let’s be honest .. those that go deeper & have lots of great stories and exercises get our attention for a little while then get put back on the bookshelf for someday when we have more time to really commit to going through the entire 250-page book.

What we really need is to have a clear process laid out in front of us on a path that we can follow step-by-step at our own pace while applying what we’re learning in real-time in our daily life.


This self-guided, on-demand video course is the integration of the teachings from my lifelong study in the fields of human motivation, happiness, fulfillment & meaning.



The Tao of Meaning Course is made up of 8 core modules that act as stepping stones on the path to the discovery & expression of your Unique Life Purpose providing you with a deeper sense of meaning and connection in your daily life.

Every module of the course is designed to take you through different aspects of each topic as you delve deeper into the concepts being covered in that specific module.


Each module ends with an assignment to walk you through applying what you’ve learned into your life in real-time, so you can begin to experience shifts and changes from the very first week. You’ll also receive the Tao of Meaning Workbook you can download & print to give you a central place to keep all of your notes as you work through the lessons & Assignments.

The Tao of Meaning Course provides you with everything you need to discover your Unique Life Purpose as an expression of your authentic self allowing you to experience a deeper sense of meaning, connection & fulfillment in your own life while making a difference in the lives of others.

The Tao of Meaning Course | Kimberly Sheridan
I’ve always been interested in discovering my life purpose, and I’ve bought tons of books about it. But I’d usually just skip ahead to read the stories and never complete the exercises. Then my motivation would wane, and I wouldn’t end up making any changes that stuck or made an impact. But the way this course was laid out made it easy to follow along, and it was more engaging than a book – and I couldn’t skip ahead to just read the stories! I’m finally on track and feel like I’m really helping others now in a way that feels good to me and helps them at the same time.
Julie Reid

Kimberly was born to teach this course! Her warmth really comes through in her teaching style. Other courses I’ve purchased on finding your life purpose felt kind of disjointed like a bunch of information just cobbled together. But the Tao of Meaning Course had a well thought-out flow with each module building on the last one. By the end, the course really delivered the result I was after which is to feel like my life has meaning and I have a purpose beyond just existing then being gone forever. I truly feel like my life matters, and I’m making a difference.
Felicity Curran

Your heart’s deepest desire is usually your greatest potential contribution.

The Tao of Meaning Course

Discover the Secret to Fulfilling Your Life Purpose

A Self-Paced, On-Demand Video Course to Reignite Your Passion to Live a More Meaningful Life


SECTION 1: The Longing for Meaning

MODULE 1: What is Meaning?

No matter who you are or where you live around the world, we all long for a deeper sense of meaning. We want to make a difference. We want to feel like we matter. We want to believe we are here for a reason. But, so often, the treadmill of life takes over propelling us through each day, month, and year with the demands and distractions of everyday life. Yet, at some point, many of us start to feel a pang for something more. But the concept of meaning can seem so intangible, so we must begin by understanding what it really means, why humans want to experience it & what gets in our way.

MODULE 2: What is a Meaningful Act? 

As we begin seeking to experience a greater sense of meaning in our lives, we must first ask ourselves what constitutes a meaningful act. Is it meaningful because we think it is? Or is the meaning behind an individual act defined by society? We may see that the concept of meaning actually means different things to everyone. So we must start by defining what we personally feel constitutes a meaningful act and then determine what level of contribution we are in a position to make based on our current life circumstances.

SECTION 2: Discovering Your Unique Life Purpose

MODULE 3: Allowing Fulfillment to Be Your Guide

When most people begin to search for how to add more meaning to their life, they look around them & out in the world to see what needs are going unmet. But an equal part of finding the best way to make your highest contribution is looking within to what is most fulfilling for you. This sense of personal fulfillment will fuel your desire to make consistent contributions which ultimately results in more good for both you & the recipients of your contributions.

MODULE 4: Identifying Your Greatest Contribution

We can all offer something truly significant to the world that makes a contribution toward the overall universal imperative to evolve, grow, expand & advance. In this module, we’ll begin to narrow down how you can make your greatest potential contribution by looking back over your life to understand what makes you uniquely qualified & positioned to make a significant difference in the lives of others.

SECTION 3: Meaning as an Expression of Your Life Purpose

MODULE 5: What is Meaningful to You?

Meaning isn’t found in the act itself but in the feeling you get when you perform the act. If we look back over our lives and within ourselves, we often find that we have already been expressing our life purpose through how we have lived our lives thus far. But when our longing for significance grows stronger, usually as a result of a life-changing event or the simple act of getting older, we need a more consistent & intentional outflow of contribution in order to experience the greater sense of meaning and significance we are longing for.

MODULE 6: Choosing a Meaningful Act

Once you understand what gives you a deeper sense of personal meaning, it’s time to figure out where to begin. All acts of contribution have different requirements in terms of how much time, money, energy or mental attention is necessary to perform them. In this module, we’ll weave what you’ve learned so far into your current life and the resources you have available.

SECTION 3: Meaning as an Expression of Your Life Purpose

MODULE 5: What is Meaningful to You?

Meaning isn’t found in the act itself but in the feeling you get when you perform the act. If we look back over our lives and within ourselves, we often find that we have already been expressing our life purpose through how we have lived our lives thus far. But when our longing for significance grows stronger, usually as a result of a life-changing event or the simple act of getting older, we need a more consistent & intentional outflow of contribution in order to experience the greater sense of meaning and significance we are longing for.

MODULE 6: Choosing a Meaningful Act

Once you understand what gives you a deeper sense of personal meaning, it’s time to figure out where to begin. All acts of contribution have different requirements in terms of how much time, money, energy or mental attention is necessary to perform them. In this module, we’ll weave what you’ve learned so far into your current life and the resources you have available.

SECTION 4: Living a Meaningful Life

MODULE 7: Creating a Meaningful Practice

Once you have identified a contribution that feels meaningful to you and determined your level of commitment, it’s beneficial to create a structure, routine or ritual to carve out space for it in your life. It’s extremely easy to get carried away by the momentum of our everyday life & lose sight once again of the new thing we want to incorporate. As with any life change, unless we make a commitment and demonstrate that commitment with action, we won’t experience the outcome we desire.

MODULE 8: Meaning, Legacy & Calling

Some people who have reached a point in their lives where they are prioritizing giving back may begin to think about the legacy they are going to leave behind. At this point, they may be inspired to make an even greater impact by pursuing a new line of work or second career that more closely aligns with their values rather than trying to fit their contributions into their limited leisure time.

After my divorce, I had the chance to look at my life with fresh eyes and think about what parts I liked and what parts I wanted to change. I’m happy to report that I was pleased with most of what I saw. But it also seemed like a lot of it was focused on myself, especially during the past couple years when I was working on my marriage. But once that was off the table, I started wondering who I was now that I wasn’t his wife and how I wanted my life to change going forward. This course helped me to get a clear picture of who I really am, what matters to me, and how I can live out the rest of my life with a clear purpose that is a reflection of my authentic self.
Shaleena Manon

When my youngest child went off to college, I suddenly had this vacuum that used to be filled with taking care of my kids. After she left, I spent the first few weeks reading books, taking baths, and going out with my girlfriends, but there was something missing. In this course, Kimberly helped me understand why I felt this way and gave me a roadmap on how to continue to enjoy my life while also filling in that longing for something more. This course was so much more than I thought it was going to be. I’ve been through it three times already, and every time I get a deeper understanding of who I am, why I’m here, and how I can make a difference.
Kristina McDougall

A life of meaning comes from living in integrity with your true nature.

The Tao of Meaning Course

Discover the Secret to Fulfilling Your Life Purpose

A Self-Paced, On-Demand Video Course to Reignite Your Passion to Live a More Meaningful Life

When I first set out on my own journey to discover my life purpose, I was only 22 years old. I had graduated from college and secured my first corporate job with a Fortune 200 company in what I thought was going to be my lifelong career. But something was missing. In fact, it went much deeper than that. Something was gnawing at me, sunk it’s teeth in, and wouldn’t let go.

I continued living the life of a normal 20-something, but in my free time, I immersed myself in countless books, audiotapes and videotapes about discovering your life purpose desperately trying to figure out why I was here and what I was supposed to be doing with my life.

Your destiny is your Life Purpose expressing through you.

Looking back with the wisdom that comes with age, I now realize that these moments occur when we actually get what we thought we wanted, and it doesn’t provide us with the happiness or fulfillment we thought it would. So now what?

Meaning is the new religion.

I went on to request a transfer to a new city thinking that it would give me the life experiences that would shine a light on my right path. After a year or two of self-discovery, I began to get more clarity on my unique strengths and passions. But I didn’t really understand how I could fit it into the scope of my work life or the small amount of free time I had outside of my now more demanding career.

I wanted to do this work for a living, but that was too big a leap for me to make at the time. So I continued down the track laid down before me leaving behind the passions I’d worked so hard to discover. I was 26 and knew that, in the next few years, I wanted to get married and have children. So my most heartfelt dreams remained trapped in the pages of my journals for the next 20 years as I pursued more a reasonable career path.

I now know that the journey of discovering and fulfilling your life purpose doesn’t have to be nearly as long or difficult. Each of us has a unique life purpose that is undeniable, and we can gain instant clarity when we know how to shine a light in the right places within ourselves. Our life purpose emanates from our authentic self that has been a part of us since the day we were born.

I also know that you don’t have to upend your entire life to fulfill your unique purpose and experience a greater sense of meaning & significance in your daily life. You can weave the discovery and the fulfillment of your unique life purpose into the reality of your current life starting today if you have a clear path to follow. I created this course to teach you the same process I share with my private coaching clients taking you step-by-step through my Seeker’s Journey model.

Are you ready to reclaim your exquisitely beautiful authentic self & discover your Unique Life Purpose? I hope so.

Founder, Fueled By Soul

P.S. I’ve seen first-hand how a person’s life can be transformed when they discover the thing that lights them up from within. And I feel fortunate to be able to share my hard-won wisdom with people around the world. If you are ready to fulfill your most deeply-held dreams and begin making contributions that give your life a greater sense of meaning and significance, I invite you to join me today.

The Tao of Meaning Course

Discover the Secret to Fulfilling Your Life Purpose

A Self-Paced, On-Demand Video Course to Reignite Your Passion to Live a More Meaningful Life

When I turned 60, I noticed that I started thinking about how I would be remembered after I’m gone. I had this vague feeling of dis-ease with the thought of leaving this life without having made a mark. This course showed me that wanting to feel significant isn’t selfish. Even though I have a pretty busy life, the module about choosing a meaningful act helped me to see that it doesn’t have to take a lot of time to get that feeling. And now I know I’m living on purpose because I no longer feel that vague dis-ease. Instead, I feel really good about myself and proud of how I’m living my life each day.
Deborah Brown

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I access the course?

The Tao of Meaning is an 8-module video course within a secured membership site. Once you enroll, you will receive an email with instructions on how to create your unique login.

How is the material delivered?

Each module includes a video teaching concepts for the topic covered by the module. Along with the teachings, there is an assignment for you to begin to put the teachings to work in your everyday life. Each module builds on the others with the goal of guiding you along a path of creating a meaningful practice in your life that aligns with your Unique Life Purpose.

How much time will it take?

I know everyone’s life is busy … especially these days. So this course is very practical & structured to provide you one module at a time. Each module is between 15-30 minutes long. The application of the teachings in your daily life through the assignments can be timed to fit into your personal schedule. In the course, I will teach you how to choose meaningful acts that fulfill your longing for meaning, express your Life Purpose & fit within your current life circumstances & responsibilities.

How long will it take to begin to experience a change in my life?

I put a lot of thought into how to structure this course to balance out our human desire for speed with the necessity of applying new learning on a consistent basis to truly experience a positive change. All modules are available immediately, so you can choose how to schedule your viewing. An effective method for creating change is to watch one module, do the assignment & begin to apply it in your daily life. When approaching it this way versus watching the course all the way through and thinking “well, that was nice”, you can begin to experience shifts within yourself from the very first week. Each module builds on the teachings of the previous ones, so by the end of the course, you will have created a meaningful practice that is a true expression of your Unique Life Purpose. The full course is available in your portal, so you can revisit a particular module or watch the course from beginning to end as many times as you’d like.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?
It’s important to me that everyone who buys this course experiences the benefit that I promised & intended. If for some reason, it’s not a fit for you, simply contact us within 10 days to receive a “no questions asked” full refund.

100% Happiness Guaranteed: My intention is for everyone who purchases one of my courses to be happy with it & experience the benefits that I promised. If, for any reason, this course is not a fit for you, simply contact us within 10 days for a full refund.

Copyright 2025. Kimberly Sheridan International. All Rights Reserved.